OMG North America has been formed as a partnership between Tapmatic Corporation Post Falls, Idaho USA and O.M.G. srl of Cavriago (RE) Italy.
OMG North America combines over 100 years of experience in the metal working field with the aim to satisfy customer's requirements for precision, quality (OMG is 9001 Certified), excellent service and fast delivery from our Idaho wharehouse.
OMG North America offers the most complete range of multispindle heads on the market.
The OMG North America product line includes:
Angle Heads, Adjustable Joint Multispidle Heads, Variable Axis Heads, Spindle Speeders, Milling Heads and Specials.
An entrepreneurial reality with a long tradition characterized by extensive experience, a strong inclination towards new technologies, and a constant pursuit of cutting-edge solutions: these are the strengths of O.M.G. Srl. Founded in the '60s as a small-scale workshop, the company has grown into a well-established industrial entity at both national and international levels. With a wide range of constantly expanding Angled Heads and a determination to tackle new challenges, O.M.G. Srl has broadened its production by introducing the innovative Facing Heads to the market. These increasingly revolutionary products offer advanced and tailor-made solutions, designed and manufactured leveraging the technological and cultural expertise accumulated by the company over the years.
The O.M.G. was born in the 1960s as a small workshop specialized in the design and manufacturing of multiple heads. Production was then directed towards three products: tapping chucks, multiple heads with universal joints and multiple heads with variable axes. Following the great evolution of the metalworking industry, the company grows even bigger, launching new products with cutting-edge purpose in this sector of research and production. Increasingly innovative products that offer increasingly advanced and customized ad hoc solutions, designed and built with the technological and cultural know-how accumulated by the company over the years.
Bruno Catellani, one of the founders
First adjustable joint multispindle heads
TE series, variable axis multi spindle heads. The line that brought O.M.G. into the limelight. Later in the years, the line will evolve in to the VH series
The first headquarters in Via dell’Industria
One of the first advertisements in trade magazines
Multispindle on a drilling machine
Defining the logo as we know it today, starting from the color and the concept
Second headquarters for the growing staff
Increasing advertising in trade magazines
TC series, for specific solutions with modularity and flexibility
TA series, for increased productivity
MO series, for the greatest reliability and precision in milling and drilling
Third and current headquarters
HT series, for simultaneous operations
BAH series, for big projects
Thanks to a joint venture with Tapmatic, OMG North America was born
The current location is expanded and the first 50 years of business are celebrated
FH series, to be applied on CNC machine tools
O.M.G. staff